Hi! I’m Ali. I don’t really like having my photo taken, but when I absolutely must, this is the grin I make. If you look closely, you can see the pain in my eyes.
I live in Bristol and impulsively shout “BRISTOOL!” every time it gets mentioned on TV. I share my home with my beautiful wife and have recently become a dad!
I’m not your stereotypical loud, bossy photographer—I’m more of the ‘running around silently in the background’ type, like a well-dressed ninja. I’m a bit of an introvert, I love my own company, and after loud social situations, I usually need a good lie-down.

So you want to know a bit about the guy that will be following you around all day? Here are some fun facts all about little old me:
I am a coffee snob. If you buy me coffee without a roasting date on it, I likely won’t drink it. I have a ‘dealer’ that roasts it and delivers it to my door by bicycle. Thanks Kit!
I adore music. I listen to it, I make it and spend far too much money on anything to do with it. If you looked at my office, you would assume I was an electronic musician rather than a wedding photographer. Glastonbury festival is my happy place. I think I’ve been 8 times now.
I hate stickers. Specifically the type that like to disintegrate the moment to attempt to remove them from the thing that they should not be on.
I love making stuff. I’ve built all my own bicycles, all my computers and every loaf of bread for the last 7 years. I’m regularly getting knee deep in overly ambitious DIY projects in my off season.
I’ve self-converted my campervan and will probably be staying in it the night of your wedding. It allows me to be more mobile and not so reliant on hotels or needing to drive long distances.
I really like cycling. So much so, that I hate driving or walking, because it just feels like wasted time that could be spent cycling. In 2018, I spent 2 months cycling the length of the Baja peninsula in Mexico, 2019 I took my mountain bike the length of New Zealand, 2022 it across the Andalusian mountains from Cadiz to Valencia – you get the picture.
I LOVE ANIMALS. Possibly more than humans. I have a 3 legged fluffy boy (cat) called Boris and I also do cat sitting in my local area. Not because I need the money, but just because want to play with cats and snoop around other people’s houses.
I have a completely useless biology degree. It was a very expensive way of being good at the ‘science and nature’ category during a quiz.
I cannot buy anything without researching it manically. I will then check ebay every single day like a coiled snake until what I want appears for the best possible price.
I have an obsessive personality and get into states of hyper focus when I put my mind to a task. To the point where I can’t really think about anything else. In the process of writing this, I have forgotten to eat lunch.
I live quite a simple life. I don’t get too involved in excessive consumerism and much prefer to have fewer, high-quality and longer lasting things than lots of clutter. I keep my costs down, which allows me to enjoy a healthy work-life balance.
If you are still here after reading that – here are some buttons for you.